Black Panther co-founder Huey P. Newton enjoys a more ordinary routine but takes the opportunity to tell his life story for a documentary. But some FBI agents don’t want him to catapult back into the spotlight and decide to handle him once and for al...
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Black Panther co-founder Huey P. Newton enjoys a more ordinary routine but takes the opportunity to tell his life story for a documentary. But some FBI agents don’t want him to catapult back into the spotlight and decide to handle him once and for all.
Categories: Black Cinema , Discover, Drama
Director: Ken Gregory, Dave Mack III
Starring: Ken Gregory, Michelle Merring, Jim Nieb, Christopher Odom, Clayton Kimmel, Devielle Johnson, Tyrone Stewart, Heather Brister, David Hebert, Dimi Belolipetskiy, Darian Michael Garey